people can be really realistic at time..what they really wan from u something so simple..benefit benefit and benefit..when anyone do have benefit for do give him or her a good policy because he or she get massive attention..but if anyone without it ..people will not ever try to be responsible toward u ..they can make u piss off and they dun break a sweat..they dun find themself making any wrong...they just complain we are too sensitive to be angry..thing like this nvr appear onli between stranger but also frenship loveship..and also family ship(is that what they call??)
i find out something really stupid..being in a bad guy situation is really going to make u having a good phase..u dun need to worry much because those good guys will do everything for u ..u dun have to rush for a appoinment..u dun need to feel bad when u says something wrong..u wont feel bad when u put the blame on other..u wun feel bad when u make some joke that is very insulting..because whenever the opposite fellow u are dealing with gone angry..u can solve it by telling everyone that he or she is sensitive,not open minded..cant take joke or he/she is a wood and many many more
beside .,.being a good guy..u need to do completely the other way round of the bad guys do and it will of coz double your brain damage cell and u have to be look dowm ..and u cant be angry ..because ppl tend to tell u are sensitive and those irresponsible and not true word..
is that how the morale value exist in this this world really that wonderful to live on lot of industry..incident like this occur uncountable number..especially in politics..we are not done from history cold war..we never end any cold war in anyone heart..people love to gossip and talk bad about each other..both for me have been majority of everyone personality for the minority..they just born to sufer..
things like that i really cant be able to understand..i cant be able to change but i do feel proud of myself that i dun allowed myself to suit with this negative personality ...treating each or every single humang beings in this universe with heart and help them when they need is always my point to move on with my life..i am not trying to say i am a priest or just that i am not that kind of bastard that move on and hurting bunch of ppl heart everyday ..people like that should go to hell no mater how success he or she was in his life..treating people like dog already lose the meaning of living in this world..talking bad bout others to cover his evil deed is shit..talking like he is the king of the conversation and telling people sensitive when they say something really fuck is bull shit..and not appreciatte others and looking for benefit from surrrounding is damn shit..
i still dun understand why i am destined to meet up with bunch of people like that.,i think the worst thing is u have to face people everyda that is so evil..because that is deep shit!!!