Sunday, June 04, 2006


last week..on the 30th of 7 20 of i am not wrong..a new innocent brought to the world..he is my newphew..the baby of my big sis..i always use to think that born a baby is something really hard..but i think everyone can be able to handle ..even for a man if they are given a chance to do so ...which is impossible...

at the morning 7 sis started her hours of hell with pain that cannot be describe in words..when i look at her..i know she cant take any single of that even it is one heart feel so bitter..i want to help her so much ..but that is just a dream that wont come true..guess what..the total time for her to groan in pain is 12 hours!!! is hell long time..after i eat sleep and play also not yet born..i like what the hell..i given so many call to my brother in law..he like very fan liow to hear my sound..and he also tell me that his sand is in pain because my sis keep on grabbing sis is not a violent person and my bro in law is really a muscle man..that one i really dunno how to feel at the moment...

if u ppl wondering why so long that it take 12 because my sis is a lazy freak..that eat sleep and eat thats why her "there" can open widely so have to wait and wait till it is big enough lorh ...hahha..maybe should blame herself ..too bad lorh..

the moment the baby is born really bring lot of chnagess..everyone is happy bout realative that seldom meet also come and visit us and ask about it..i suddenly in one night jadi uncle i also dunno how to say about my feeling..i used to think it is nothing..but now i got the feeling that i should always teach him to be a useful man...hahhaa

well that all for today ..will post his picture as fast as possible...

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