Wednesday, March 07, 2007

haih...finally i feel like longer take it anymore..this few months it been hectic for brain is the biggest victim among all..what i am angry about...something assignment..this semester is really the toughest job for me after studying for so damn long..the assignment and report is so much that i cant recall it until my friend remind me about is totally destructing my life right uncommom for me to think so much in a few days...what is the worst part when u have fren that is so free that keep persuade u to go here and there wasting money and also time..and also the energy and effort to do a good assignment and report..due date is coming and i not even start from a scratch...

u know..this world can be really stupid at time..i got this lecturer that is really weird..she got fucked by management because she fail lots of people in a certain subject..i cant say the management is right ..i do thing they are wrong as well..but the main point i want to talk about is not this..the main point is this lecturer actually try to use teaching and also exam eluavation to revenge back to the management for those bad treat she got..she come to class late,teach those easy stuff,lot of break, and giving a sudden test to student..between both party..they are not suffering ..the worst is for student that paying money to get education but stuck up between two idiot..we learn nothing and the feeling of being the middle man is so make us worth nothing..deng..i hope they both just die coz eat tauhu..

actually today just tulan of lotz thing..but my mood to blog end here..


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